Desforges funeral home obituaries Obituary Tribute Wall Maison Funéraire Desforges Funeral Home. Floyd Mack of Grenville passed away peacefully at home after an eight and a half year struggle with cancer on Saturday June 28th 2014 in his 78th year. COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENT Marcia Trujillo Medina, 86, passed away peacefully at her home in Albuquerque shortly before midnight on December 31, 2024, attended to by her twin sons and Washer, David John son of the late Ina Bussey and the late John Washer passed away November 24, 2022 in Harrington, Qc. Dear mother of Cindy Lapointe, Maxime Potvin, Véronique Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. 11:00 am Friday, October 18, 2024 Monsieur Jean-Guy Séguin de St-Eugène est décédé le lundi 6 janvier 2025 à l'âge de 86 ans. A celebration of Hazel’s life will be held on Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 11:30 am at Margaret Rodger Memorial Obituary details to follow. - Mrs. Grenville, Quebec, Canada Mr. Beloved husband of Margaret. Predeceased by her parents Albert Durocher and Ida Bergeron, two brothers, Philippe and François, two sisters, Thérèse and Cécile and one granddaughter Erin. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Tuesday October 3rd, 2023 from 7 PM to 9 PM. Share Obituary: Print Aurèle Charette 1935 - 2024 Obituary. Funeral service will be held in the funeral home chapel, Monday September 24th, 2018 at 11 AM. Grenville, Quebec, Canada Share Obituary: Print Gisèle Provençal arrière petits-enfants, neveux et nièces. Derek Richard left this world on October 27, 2024, leaving a void in the lives of so many people. Beloved husband of Jean Richie. No obituary available. Funeral Service will be held Friday October 9th 2015 at 11:00 AM in the Funeral Home Chapel. Lester will be fondly remembered by his niece Marilyn, nephew Home; About Us. Authorize original obituaries for this funeral home. Foreman, Frances (née Irving) 1919-2016 - Peacefully, on Monday, January 4th, 2016 in her 97th year. Edward “Eddy” Provencal of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge passed away on Monday May 8th 2023 at Authorize original obituaries for this funeral home. I had promised Claudette that I Mrs. Our Facilities; Contact Us; Map & Directions; Parc Desforges; Obituaries; Site Français; Sign in Robert Savaria 1948 - 2014 Share Obituary: Print Share A Memory. She is survived by many cousins. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Wednesday November 27th , 2019 from 11 AM. Fri Nov 29 00:00:00 EST 2013 The family will be at church at 10:15 am Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Funeral Service will be held Thursday February 19th 2015 at 1 PM in the Funeral Home Chapel. Beloved husband of the late Corinne “Randy” Shaw. 188 Rue Principale Grenville, QC J0V 1J0. Also survived by nephews, Sunil Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. The family wishes to give a special thank you to the staff at HGH and especially Dr. The family will be at the church from 10:15 AM to receive condolences. He is survived by many family and friends. Funeral. Burial in the Ogdensburg Cemetery. Predeceased by his parents, Clarence Brazeau and Gladys Welden. Condolences may be sent online Mr. Carol is survived by her parents Mabel Fox and Raymond Madden and her brothers; Jimmy, Jerry (Judy), John, her sisters; Debbie (Billy) and Joanne, No Obituary Provided. Monsieur Paul Martin de Hawkesbury est décédé le mercredi 1 janvier 2025 à l'âge de 71 ans. Burial in the Hawkesbury Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, Mr. Grace Bigelow (née MacLeod) of St-Eugène passed away on Tuesday June 7th 2022 at the age of 97. Visitation Thursday September 4th 2014 from 2 to 5 PM Maison Funéraire Desforges Funeral Home, Grenville, Quebec. Located in Lachute, QC. Proud Mother of predeceased son Steven Smith, Julie Smith, Guy Smith, Perry Smith and Penny Patterson (Jim). Also survived by grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Prédécédé par ses parents Arthur Savaria et Ellen Martin, ainsi qu’une soeur Margaret. Also survived by nieces and nephews. He is also survived my many nieces and nephews. Loving father of Michael (Crystal), Lee (Sharon) and Pam (Richard). A funeral service will be held in Nova Scotia on August 3rd 2024. Beloved husband of Beverley Young. Get Directions. The funeral service will be held in the funeral home chapel at 2 PM. 1952-2020 - On Saturday, September 26th, 2020, Mr. Due to Covid-19, a private ceremony will follow at a later date. Peter passed away peacefully at the Ottawa Civic Hospital surrounded by family and much love. A private graveside service will be held at a later date. Lewis Linton of Boileau passed away on Tuesday March 5th 2024 at the age of 87. Predeceased by her sister Shirley. No Obituary Provided. Burial in the Grenville Catholic Cemetery. Dear mother of Eleanor Campbell (John), Joyce and Diana Diamond. In lieu of flowers, Mrs. Funeral Service will be held Friday September 5th 2014 at 11 AM in the Avoca Baptist Church. Predeceased by brothers and sisters. Gillian Barlow (née Cleaver) of Lachute passed away on Sunday December 27th 2020 at the age of 81. Predeceased by her parents Walter MacLean and Mary McRae, her beloved grandson Mason, son-in-law Berton Young, six sisters and five brothers. Robert Brazeau of Grenville on Monday June 22nd 2015 in his 64th year. Lorraine McCart (née Durocher) of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge passed away after a short battle with cancer on May 23rd 2018 in her 85th year. Funeral Service will be held Saturday November 15th 2014 at 11 AM in the Funeral Home Chapel. Beverley Lockwood (née Young) of Vaudreuil-Dorion passed away on Monday July 19th 2021 at the age of 80. ca. Louis, MO 63136 Interment Jefferson Barracks View full obituary. Il était le conjoint de Lynne Larocque. Maurice Leclair. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, January 16th 2025 at 10:00 AM at the same location. Funeral Service will be held in the Grenville Catholic Church (Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs) on Saturday, September 28 th, 2024 at 11 AM. Funeral Service was held in the Funeral Home chapel on Saturday July 6 th 2024 at 10:30 AM . Share A Memory Obituaries; Site Français; Mrs. It is with an extremely heavy heart that we announce the sudden passing of Dave Washer. Beloved wife of the late Mervin Kelly. Predeceased by his brothers, Allan and Harold. In lieu of flowers, September 7, 1942 – September 8, 2024 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Peter on September 8th, 2024 in Ottawa at 82 years of age. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. Faith Community Bible Church 8850 Jennings Station Road St. Obituaries from Complexe Funéraire Mozart Desforges in Lachute, Québec. LOUIS SÉGUIN (Ontario), the Lamarre & Son Funeral Home and Mr. Condolences may be sent online by visiting Mrs. March. She is survived by her sister Beverley and her grandchildren, Todd, Carey, Daren, Sandra, Tom and Vern, nieces and nephews. Open from 9 AM. Survived by four grandchildren: Candice, Chad, Christi and Mrs. Michel J Mr. Jeff Andrews of Hawkesbury passed away on Saturday October 24th 2020 at the age of 50. Beloved spouse and long time friend of Françoise Rolfe. Also survived by eight grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Welcome to Desforges Funeral Home. Chantal Giroux (née Lajeunesse) 2025-01-09. Grenville, Quebec, Canada Share Obituary: Print Gilles Chabot 1943 - 2024 La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison Funéraire Desforges, 188, rue Principale, Grenville, QC - (819) 242-2113. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Friday October 6 th, 2023 from 7 PM to 9 PM. Contact Us Monsieur Raymond Léo Savaria de Hawkesbury est décédé le dimanche 1 septembre 2024 à l’âge de 71 ans. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, Home; About Us. Obituaries; Site Français; Goulet, Michel J. Beloved wife of the late Glen Gauley. Condolences may be sent by visiting www. Madame Line Bertrand (née Malette) de Lachute (anciennement de St-Philippe) est décédée le lundi 18 mars 2024 à l’âge de 66 ans. Visitation Thursday August 20th 2015 from 10:00 AM. David Reeves of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge passed away on Sunday July 4th, 2021at the age of 77. The funeral service will be held in the funeral home chapel Wednesday October 4th 2023 at 11 AM. Dear mother of Bob (Margaret), Gail (Marcel), John, Bev (Mike) and Cathy (late Kevin), sister of Bill (Elaine), sister-in-law of Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing away of Emmett Proulx, age 74 at the Hawkesbury Hospital from CHF. m. Predeceased by one stepson Allan, one brother and one sister. Chauncey Leonard Hall from Calumet passed away on November 20th 2020 at the age of 84. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Friday May 12 th, 2023 from 6 PM to 9 PM. Dear mother of Gary (Mary Dorn), grandmother of Jake and Jason, great grandmother of Lucas. Beloved wife of the late Cecil Young. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC - (819) 242-2113. Il laisse son fils Francis, sa fille Stéphanie, sa belle-fille Andréanne Larocque, ses petites-filles bien-aimées, Annabelle et Liana, son Also survived by eight grandchildren, one great grandson, nieces and nephews. Dear son of Betty Young. Paroisse Saint-Pierre-Apôtre. Search. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) Share Obituary: Print Clarence Hanlon 1931 - 2017 Also survived by nieces, nephews and cousins. Il était l’époux de Renée Marie Dubois. Funeral service will be held in the funeral home chapel, Monday July 11 th 2022 at 1 PM. A private service will be held at a Share Obituary: Print Guy Piché 1939 - 2024 Obituary. Dear sister of Stan (Betty), Audrey (late John) and late Arnold . Dear mother of Debbie (Leo), Carol-Ann and Darlene (Ron). Beloved mother of Bruce (Sue) and Beth, dear sister of Sarah. Predeceased by his son and his parents Ross Thorburn and Eunice Young. Beloved husband of Gloria Welden. Visitation Sunday September 23rd, 2018 from 2 to 5 PM and 7 to 9 PM. Dear father of David, Douglas and Dawn. Visitation Saturday November 15th 2014 from 9 AM. Print Events. Il était l’époux de Jocelyne Ranger. Vivian's wish was for cremation and internment at Shaw's Cemetery in Harrington, QC, in early spring. Patrick O’Reilly of Grenville passed away on Saturday August 17th 2019 at the age of 72. Dear mother of David (Jo-Anne), Grenville-surla- Rouge, Quebec, James, Havelock, Ontario, Audrey Hitchcock (Wayne) New Brunswick, Joan Burmeister (Frank), Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, Quebec. Dear mother of Louis (Marie-Jeanne), Gilles (Simone), Daniel (Christine), Lucie (Réjean), Olive Mr. William MacLeod of Harrington passed away on Monday April 26th 2021 at the age of 89. It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Thursday June 22 nd, 2023 from 10:30 AM. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Saturday February 1st , 2020 from 9 AM. Eleanor Kathleen Abbey (nee Shepherd) - Passed away peacefully at home in Avoca with her family by her side. Dear father of Heather (Brian), stepfather of James (Andrée) and Colin, brother of Norman and Helen, survived by five Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC - (819) 242-2113. desforges. Dear mother of Johanne (Guy Villeneuve), Tammy and Shelley (Mario Lalonde). A private celebration will be held at a later date. Proud Grandmother to Sheldon and Crystal Visitation will be held on Wednesday, January 15th 2025 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Mercadante Funeral Home & Chapel (370 Plantation St, Worcester, MA 01605). Predeceased by husband Gordon Smith. Leon Crystal of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge passed away on Thursday April 1st 2021 at the age of 81. Beloved wife of the late William Lockwood. 1969 - 2025 Read more. Blanche Mapp (née Gagné) of Harrington passed away on Saturday November 7th 2020 at the age of 85. Also Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Mrs. The funeral service will be held Share Obituary: Print Peter Asbil 1942 - 2024 Service Information. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home on Saturday August 31 st, 2024 from 9 AM to 12 PM. Burial in the St-Matthews Anglican Cemetery Mr. Condolences may be Share Obituary: Print Florence Hughes sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews. A celebration of Allan's life will be held on Saturday August 19 th 2023 at 11 AM in Ponsonby Anglican Cemetery, in Gramont, as Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC - (819) 242-2113. Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free. Stella Zimmerman (née McVicar) of Hawkesbury passed away on Wednesday July 26th 2023 at the age of 90. Survived by three grandchildren Lexi, Charlie and Jesse. Obituaries from Maison Funéraire Desforges in Grenville, Québec. Browse St. Share / Subscribe to this tribute Share Obituary: Print Share A Memory. Predeceased by her son Dennis and her two brothers William and Hubert. Our Facilities; Contact Us; Map & Directions; Parc Desforges; Obituaries; Site Français; Sign in Annie Laflamme 2021 Share / Subscribe to this tribute Share Obituary: Print Annie Laflamme 1983 - 2021 Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. The funeral service will be held in the funeral home chapel Saturday January 11 th, 2025 at 1 PM. Beloved wife of the late Michael McCart. A private burial No Obituary Provided. Beloved husband of the late Valrie MacPherson. Beloved wife the late Robert Zimmerman. Predeceased by three brothers, John, Charlie and Ron, two sisters, Mildred and Ann. His work around the farm has come to an end. William “Willie” Smith of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge passed away on Friday June 9th 2023 at the age of 80. Sister of Marion Young (late Gerald). Also survived by nephews. Share A Memory 188 Rue Principale Grenville, QC J0V 1J0. Predeceased by her son Shane (Ruth), her daughter Robin and her sister June. 2025-01-09. Il laisse ses filles, Nancy (Steve), Jenny (Michel) et Guylaine, ses petits-enfants, Ethan, Sabrina, Anthony, Stéphanie et Vanessa, ainsi que Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. . Fri Dec 27 00:00:00 EST 2013 Friday December 27 2013 from 10 am Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Dear father of William (Cathy), Ron, Steve (Sandy) and Greg (Julie), also survived by six grandchildren, two great grandchildren, his ex-wife Barbara Hopkins, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews. Johann Potvin of Hawkesbury on Thursday August 18th 2016 in her 55th year. Edit. Our Facilities; Contact Us; Map & Directions; Parc Desforges; Obituaries; Site Français ; Sign in Robert Savaria 1948 - 2014 Share / Subscribe to this tribute Share Obituary: Print Robert Savaria 1948 - 2014 Obituary. He was born of the late Zotique Proulx and Estelle Deslauriers on September 15th 1946 in Harrington, QC. Beloved husband of the late Lise Cayen. Donald was the son of Stella Bryerton and Irving Fuller. Burial in the Rockway Valley Cemetery. A positive role model, Eleanor showed unconditional love, support, Share Obituary: Print Emile Beauchamp 1921 - 2014 21 great grandchildren, 1 great great grandson, many nieces, nephews and cousins Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. After working in the bank initially, he was ordained McCALLUM, Dr. A For those who wish, donations to Friends of feral cats (FFC) would be gratefully appreciated, 621 Pattee Road, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 2R2 or donate via interac transfer (EMT) to Ms. Predeceased by her parents Mario Potvin and Lucille Labelle. Funeral arrangements entrusted Mrs. Obituaries; Site Français; Mrs. Paroisse Saint-Grégoire de Nazianze. Predeceased by her parents Edward Clifton and Margaret Freeland, her stepfather Alfred Campbell, her sisters Carla and Bonnie. Carol will be sadly missed by daughters Pam (Cecil McNeilly) and Angie (Jason Broomfield) and by her grandsons; Dax, Newton and Weston. Simone Bowbrick (née Parent) of Hawkesbury passed away on Wednesday November 29th 2023 at the age of 96. at the age of 73. Perle Carrière of Grenville passed away on Saturday March 14th 2020. Beloved wife of the late William Gordon Young. Dear brother of Grace and Beverly. Survived by aunts, uncles and cousins. Prédécédé par son père René Lalande. Also survived by aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. Leslie Newman of St-Eugène passed away on Tuesday February 13th 2024 at the age of 84. Dear father of Garth (Emma) and Glen, brother of Doreen (Arvind Joshi), cherished grandfather of Vanessa (Eric) and Michael, great grandfather of Juliano. Dear mother of Barbara, Sean (Sharon), Patrick (Nancy) and Waylon (Heather), sister of Hazel. J0V 1J0. Brother of Kalin (Val), Dana (Rick), Shawnie (Kris) and Julie (Greg). Predeceased by her son Chesley and her brother Alfred. Funeral service will be held on Thursday January 12, 2017 at 11 AM in the Knox Presbyterian Church, 29 High St. The Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Visitation Thursday October 8th 2015 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Catherine White (née Petersen) of Lachute passed away on Thursday November 23rd 2023 at the age of 63. Funeral homes curate a final ceremony that provides space for guests to begin the journey through grief together. Predeceased by her daughter Janice and her son Search Desforges family obituaries and memoriams on Legacy. James Lester McCallum of Ottawa passed away on January 14th, 2019, in his 102nd year. Predeceased by her children, Dawson, Ernie, Connie, Myles, Murray and Debbie. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. A private burial will be held at a later date. He is survived by his children, grandchildren, sisters, brother, nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral service will be held in the funeral home chapel, Monday March 20, 2017 at 11 AM. Dear sister of Allison (Marguerite Tremblay), Fran (Milton Gallinger) and Doria Sanderson. Friday, May 17, 2024 Visitation: 9:00 a. Predeceased by his father Gerald Andrews. Elle était l’épouse de feu Jean-Paul Labrèche. Louis local obituaries on Legacy. The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. Dear mother of Cathy (Mike Amyotte) and Marlene (Roger Lebeau). Also survived Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Parc Desforges; Obituaries; Site Français; Sign in George Roberts 1941 - 2022 Share / Subscribe to this tribute Share Obituary: Print George Roberts 1941 - 2022 Mrs. Ivy Dumoulin of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge (Calumet) passed away on Sunday November 11th 2018 in her 85th year. Visitation, Monday March 20, 2017 from 9 AM to 11 AM. Foreman. Dear husband of Cathy White (Petersen). Also survived by 3 grandchildren; Jean, Crystal, Carolyn and great grandchildren Kathryn and Jasmine. Burial in the Avoca Cemetery. Landa. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Wednesday August 7th, 2019 from 10 AM. Lester was predeceased by his beloved wife Doris, his son David, his sister Evelyn and his brothers Elmer and Alexander. He was the son of the late Neil McCallum and Margaret Arthurs. Cherished sister of Elsie Formagie, Gordon (Dorothy) and Alvin (Nancy). Predeceased by her parents Leslie Thomas Edward Welden and Ellen Chambers. Funeral Service will be held in the Holy Trinity Church of Calumet on Saturday April 25th, 2015 at 2:00 PM. Sadly missed by his grandchildren, great Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC - (819) 242-2113. Dear mother of Stewart, Patricia (Bill), Molly, Catherine (Simon), Lloyd (Laura), Jimmy (Christine) and Suzanne (Danny). Elle laisse son fils Alain (Nathalie), ses petits-enfants: Eric et Mathieu, ses arrière-petits-enfants: Jennifaël et Raphaëla, son frère Georges (Jeannine), sa soeur Lise Share Obituary: Print Michel Proulx 1955 - 2023 Obituary. Helen Ann Clifton of Hawkesbury passed away on Wednesday June 12th 2024 at the age of 83. Funeral arrangements Search the Obituaries. Beloved wife of the late Harry Mapp. (Funeral home opens at 10 AM). Wayne Owen Thorburn of Grenville passed away on Monday January 9th 2023 at the age of 73. Grant MacCulloch of l’Orignal (previously of Vankleek Hill) passed away on Sunday January 3rd 2021 at the age of 87. Beloved husband of Linda Taylor. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to:-Namur Intermediate School’s breakfast program Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188, rue Principale, Grenville, QC - (819) 242-2113. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, Mrs. Home; About Us. Beloved wife of the late Patrick O’Reilly. I brought Andrée to Prescott-Russell in Hawkesbury to be closer for visiting. Tel (819) 242-2113, le samedi 28 novembre 2015 à compter de 9h00. Dear mother of David, Douglas and Dawn, sister of Holly. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Alzheimer Society of Canada would be appreciated. Loving mother and mother-in-law of Diane (Clifton), Cathy (Ranny), and late Judie (Ronald). (Please C'est avec tristesse que José Trudeau Reid (Bob Reid), Pierre Trudeau (Natalie Guénette), Youri Reid (Patricia Reid), Chloé Jade Boileau-Trudeau, Naomi Trudeau (Matthieu Boulanger), Jazzmyne, Georgia et Tyrus Reid annoncent le décès de Dolorès Assaly Trudeau (fille de feu Salem Marcus Assaly et de feu Alice Golding Assaly), veuve de Jacques Trudeau, survenu le Mrs. Prédécédé par deux frères, André et Serge, ainsi que ses parents, Napoléon Martin et Délia Jean-Louis. A graveside Joan Elizabeth Elo Burmeister April 27, 1959 to August 15, 2019 On August 15th, 2019 at the Hawkesbury General Hospital, at the age of 60, Joan passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. Maison Funéraire Desforges 188 Rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113 Send flowers. Predeceased by two sons and one daughter. Mary Gauley (née Miller) of Hawkesbury on Wednesday January 23 2013 in her 96th year. La famille recevra parents et amis à la Maison Funéraire Desforges, 188, rue Principale, Grenville, QC. Share Obituary: Print Ginette Aubin 1943 - 2024 Obituary. James Thomas Elo. Beloved wife of the late Harris Dewar. A private ceremony for immediate family members only, will be held at Shaw Cemetery following the visitation. James Lester Dr. Gloria Welden of Grenville passed away on Thursday April 25th 2024 at the age of 78. Norma Jackson (née Embree) of Pointe-au-Chêne passed away on Sunday October 9th 2022 at the age of 88. A celebration of life is planned for Saturday, December 21 st, 2024, (1:00-4:00 pm) at the Township Hall in Boileau, Québec. Funeral Service will be held Friday February 14th 2014 at 11 AM in the chapel. Please feel free to browse our pages to learn more about pre-planning a funeral and about grief support, as well as the traditional funeral and cremation Mrs. Dear father of Barbara, Sean (Sharon), Patrick (Nancy) and Waylon (Heather), brother of Doreen, also survived by grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. More than 450 new Canadian obituaries add each day. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home on Saturday January 11 th, 2025 from 11 AM. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Beloved wife of the late Thomas H. M. The Derek Richard Dunbar Obituary With profound sadness, we say goodbye to Derek Richard Dunbar (Lachute, Québec), whose vibrant spirit touched the lives of many. Obituary Tribute Wall Service Information Donations Tribute Links. Predeceased by his parents Bernard Reeves and Lillie Keatlie. Friday, November 15, 2024. LOUIS SÉGUIN (Ontario), the Lamarre & Son Funeral Home and members of its staff have the privilege to service the families of Alfred-Plantagenet and surrounding communities throughout Search the Obituaries. Dearly beloved wife of the late Dr. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Hawkesbury General Hospital Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. To commemorate her incredible journey and to celebrate the love and kindness she spread, a special visitation will be held in her honor at the Ortmann Stipanovich Funeral Eleanor Kathleen Abbey (nee Shepherd) - Passed away peacefully at home in Avoca with her family by her side. Beloved wife of the late Roy Bigelow. Dear father of Linda (Garry), Allen (Julie) and Sandra (Steven), cherished grandfather of Marisa, Jonathan, Ashley and Wesley, also survived by cousins and friends. 188 rue Principale. Maison Funéraire Desforges Funeral Home. 11:00 am. 26 Share Obituary: Print Michel Mainville 1945 - 2023 Obituary. Predeceased by his parents Silas Hall and Evelyn Reeves. Grenville, Quebec, Canada Mrs. Condolences may be sent online by visiting www. Survived by his brother Roy, nieces and nephews. Madame Fleurette Labrèche (née Plouffe) de Hawkesbury est décédée le mercredi 25 décembre 2024 à l'âge de 83 ans. 331 Avenue Béthany, Lachute, QC (450) 562-3636 Send flowers. Contact Us Mrs. William Lockwood of Vaudreuil-Dorion passed away on Saturday May 16th 2020 at the age of 81. Search obituaries and death notices from Lachute, Québec, brought to you by Echovita. Funeral Service will be held Thursday April 23rd 2015 at 11 AM in the Funeral Home Chapel. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Loving Gran to Erin, Jonathan, and Joshua and Great- gran to Rowan and Carol Madden of Harrington, Qc passed away suddenly October 28th at the age of 62. Fondly remembered by her loving husband of 68 years, Arthur, her three children; Beth (Silvano), Shep (Julie), Stewart (Eileen) as well as by her many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Dear brother of Ernest (late Ann), Cheryl Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. My dear sister-in-law Andrée Girard was born in Sherbrooke, QC on the 13th of April 1932. Sister of Yvonne and Margaret. Condolences may Monsieur Yves Lalande de St-Canut (anciennement de Grenville-sur-la-Rouge) est décédé le mercredi 4 décembre 2024 à l'âge de 72 ans. Funeral Service will be held Thursday August 20th 2015 at 1:00 PM in the Funeral Home Chapel. Predeceased by his parents Arthur White and Glenna MacLeod. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Shaw Cemetery would be appreciated. Mervin Watson of Harrington passed away on Thursday April 23rd 2020 at the age of 93. 470 Main St E. Obituary. Predeceased by her parents Roland Carrière and Margaret Smith. Vivian Poulter (née MacRae) of Lachute (previously of Harrington) passed away on Tuesday may 7th 2024 at the age of 90. 1,109 likes · 100 talking about this · 23 were here. Russell Bonvie of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge passed away on Wednesday July 3rd 2024 at the age of 98. Dear mother of Dominic (Louise) and Debbie (Chris), sister of Berenice, also survived by four grandchildren, Alex, Victoria, Mathieu and Emma. Hilda Young (née Kelly) of Avoca passed away on Thursday January 2nd 2025 at the age of 95. A graveside service will be held at a later date in the Avoca Cemetery. A graveside service will be held on Thursday June 29 th 2023 at 11 AM in the Shaw Cemetery, Harrington. Obituaries; Site Français Mr. Elle était l’épouse de Jean Bertrand. Donald’s work life involved the pulp and paper industry Also survived by many brothers, sisters, twelve grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Dear mother of Helen Elo, Audry, Joan, (Bobbie) (née Brown) passed away peacefully at home, Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, Quebec on February 20th, 2016. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Friday March 22nd, 2019 from 9 AM. Our Facilities; Contact Us; Map & Directions; Parc Desforges; Obituaries; Site Français ; Sign in Murielle Paquette 1936 - 2013 Share / Subscribe to this tribute Share Obituary: Print Murielle Paquette 1936 - 2013 Mr. Muriel Kelly (née Andrews) of Calumet passed away Monday October 26th 2020 at the age of 103. Loving and devoted husband and best friend of Judy Jarvis, his "old dolly". com. Dearly missed father of Kim (Stephane) and Jason (Heather). December 11, 1935 - April 5, 2024. He was the loving husband of Evelyn Elaine Berry and father to both Dan Fuller (Heather Johnston) and Debbie Holtby (James). Grenville, Quebec, Canada. Predeceased by her brother Michael. Together they have raised Eleanor Kathleen Abbey (nee Shepherd) - Passed away peacefully at home in Avoca with her family by her side. Mr. Father of Debra, brother of Douglas and Laurence (Barbara). Dear mother of Pam (Sam) and Brian (Cathy), grandmother of Courtney and great grandmother of Jackson. A graveside service will be held in the Calumet Also survived by brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and cousins. Predeceased by her parents Austin Jackson and Norma Embree. Predeceased by many brothers and sisters. Share Obituary: Print Share A Memory. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Friday July 7 th, 2023 from 9 AM. Wednesday, October 30, 2024. Predeceased by seven brothers and sisters. Dear mother of Graeme (Pamela) and Marlene. Prédécédée par plusieurs frères et soeurs. Emerson Welden of Grenville on Monday January 30th, 2017 in his 91st year. Beloved husband of Joan Dewar. Visitation Thursday February 19th 2015 from 11 AM. Predeceased by her parents Audry & Thomas Elo. Kyle Mott of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge (Calumet) passed away on Tuesday September 4th 2018 in his 78th year. A graveside service will be held on Saturday September 9 th 2023 at 11 AM in the Shaw Cemetery, Harrington. He was the beloved husband of Laurette “Laurie” Proulx (née Constantineau) whom shared 50 years of marriage. Predeceased by her parents Rose-Alma Leblanc and Philippe Gagné, brothers and sisters: Chapman, Albertine, Dora and Rolland. Funeral Mr. Obituary Tribute Wall Service Information Donations Maison Funéraire Desforges Funeral Home. Also survived my nieces and nephews. Peter was born September 7th, 1942 in Rawdon, Quebec. Beloved spouse of Mark Oswick. Also survived by nieces, nephews and her beloved cats. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Friday February 15th, 2019 from 9 AM. You can also send flowers or thoughtful gifts to commemorate your loved ones. A private burial Marcia Trujillo Medina Jan 13, 2025. Condolences may be sent online by visiting Mr. There are 105 obituaries and memoriams for the surname Desforges. She was one of four children, two boys and a sister, Claudette, my departed wife. Dear father of Sue-Ann (Alan), Anya (Eric) and Jo-Anne (Kevin). Funeral arrangements Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Visitation Thursday April 23rd 2015 from 9 AM. Hannah Lillian MacLean-Miller of Harrington passed away on Friday July 27th 2018 in her 100th year. Read More. Fondly remembered by her loving husband of 68 years, Arthur, her three View current obituaries and pay tribute to your loved ones through Kutis Funeral Homes' online memorial services. Contact Us Beloved cousin of Elmer (Heather Watchorn), also survived by nieces, nephews, step-grandchildren and friends. The funeral service will be held in the funeral home chapel at 11 AM. Share Obituary: Print Laurette Simoneau 1942 - 2023 Obituary. Donald Irving Fuller left this world suddenly on December 27th at the age of 87. Located in Grenville, QC. He is survived by many cousins. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 Principale, Grenville, QC - (819) 242-2113. Il laisse son fils Stéphane (Brigitte), ses petites-filles: Véronique (Frédéric) et Geneviève (Sarah), ses arrière-petits-enfants: Antoine, Florence et Arlo, ainsi que beaux-frères, belles-soeurs, neveux et Share Obituary: Print Liliane Clermont 1945 - 2024 La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la Maison Funéraire Desforges, 188, rue Principale, Grenville, QC - (819) 242-2113. Sat Nov 28 00:00:00 EST 2015 The family will be at the funeral home at 9:00 AM. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue No Obituary Provided. Nicolaas “Nick” Bonte-Gelok of Hawkesbury passed away on Tuesday March 7th 2023 at the age of 72. Il était l’époux de Nicole Lemay. Kevin White of Lachute (previously of Harrington) passed away on Wednesday June 8th 2022 at the age of 59. at the age of 74. Parc Desforges; Obituaries; Site Français; Sign in Aline Caya 1935 - 2014 Share / Subscribe to this tribute Share Obituary: Print Aline Caya 1935 - 2014 Wed Nov 19 00:00:00 EST 2014 The family will be at the funeral home at 9 AM. , Vankleek Hill, ON . Funeral | Funérailles. Dear mother of Bill (Angie), Karen (Marc Lecuyer) and Kevin (Cathy). Beloved wife of the late Austin Jackson. The Mr. Joan lived life to the Share Obituary: Print Francine Pizzardi 1947 - 2019 Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home, Friday June 2nd, 2023 from 9 AM to 1 PM. A graveside service will be held on Saturday Share Obituary: Print Jocelyne Charbonneau 1952 - 2024 Obituary. Prédécédé par ses frères et soeurs. Grenville, Quebec, Canada View most recent obituaries published on the Web by funeral homes on website Complexe Funéraire Mozart Desforges. Beloved wife of the late Colin Poulter. Predeceased by his common-law partner Diane Tardif and one sister Irene. Beloved wife of the late Russell Miller. Beloved wife of the late Kenneth Barlow. Survived by her loving husband Frank Burmeister of 37 years and her dedicated pups Sheba and Dusty. Il laisse son fils Martin (Dominique), sa fille Josée (Hugo), ses petits-enfants; Jérémie, Antoine, Julien et Kassandra, ainsi que ses frères, sa soeur, beaux-frères Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Survived by his sister Isabel (Ralph Sturgeon) and many nieces, nephews and friends. Dearly missed by his brother Drummond (Edna) and his sisters Deanna (Viateur) and Wanda (late Jean-Guy). Sister of Jeane, Marc (Patricia), Deanna (Corey) and Rollande (Dyer). 1934 - 2025 Read more. Obituary Tribute Wall Service Information Memorial Video Maison Funéraire Desforges Funeral Home. A positive role model, Eleanor showed unconditional love, support, Mr. Joan O’Reilly (née Dewar) of Grenville passed away on Sunday August 22nd 2021 at the age of 75. The funeral service will be held in the funeral home chapel at 1 PM. Also survived by her sister-in-law Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages. Andrée greatly enjoyed visiting her sister Claudette and we had many enjoyable visits together. Share / Subscribe to this tribute Maison Funéraire Desforges Funeral Home. Beloved wife of the late Wayne Thorburn. Dear mother Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Ivy Dewar (née Moncrieff) of Grenville on Wednesday March 30th 2016 in her 107th year. Funeral service will be held at the Grace Anglican Church, 7 Church Road, Arundel, QC on Saturday June 22, 2024 at 11 AM. For those who wish, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or CLSC Petite-Nation would be appreciated. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Thursday May 23rd, 2019 from 9 AM. Also survived by four grandchildren, Mandy, James, Nicholas Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. The family will welcome friends and family at Desforges Funeral Home Friday January 17, 2020 from 1 PM to 4 PM. Fri Nov 08 00:00:00 EST 2013 The family will be at church at 10:30 am Funeral arrangements entrusted to Desforges Funeral Home, 188 rue Principale, Grenville, QC (819) 242-2113. Funeral: 11:00 a. Beloved wife of the late Kevin White. Iris Mary Young of Vankleek Hill (previously of Avoca) passed away on Thursday July 16th 2020 at the age of 95. Funeral arrangements SMITH, (born Kelly), Gladys Eleanor, Peacefully on March 8th, 2018 at the Prescott & Russell Residence in Hawkesbury, ON, Gladys Smith passed away at the age of 77 years.