Synthetic sling chart ) VERTICAL 90 Deg (lbs) CHOKER (lbs) VERTICAL BASKET (lbs) APPROX WT. Shopping Cart 0 . Refer to manufacturer specifications and charts to select the correct sling. S-256 Link Plate Effect of Sling Angle - Tension Factor Chart 90 1. • Sling Body Widths: 2” through 6”. Our storm surge sling, with its adjustable two-eye sling feature and load-rating certification, improves lifting solutions. Inspect before use. e. The most commonly used synthetic web slings are made of nylon- or polyester-type yarns . 104 30 2. Check tag to con˜rm that sling is adequately rated for the load. We distribute Stren Flex Synthetic Nylon Web Slings, Polyester Round Slings, Chain Slings, Wire Rope Slings, Rigging, Cargo Control and Fall Protection. Today, members of the WSTDA include manufacturers and suppliers of synthetic web slings and tie downs, load securement devices, roundslings, synthetic webbing, fibers, ASME B30. Slings shall not be twisted or tied in knots to shorten. Flat Webbing and Round Slings; Flat Webbing and Round Slings Load Chart. 305 80 1. Use only if trained. Al hacer clic en el botón de Synthetic Web Sling Material – Nylon or Polyester. Working Load Limits & Minimum Tensile Sling Load Chart. corners and edges. Made from materials such as nylon, polyester, and more, these devices offer increased flexibility and easier handling at more affordable prices compared to their wire rope or chain sling counterparts. It reflects our commitment to Top reasons for using an Alloy Chain Sling. General Information section of this catalog. New 3FastTM inspection with External Warning Indicator is an option that reacts to multiple conditions that can af - fect a synthetic sling. 3 Shall—indicates that a statement is mandatory. Higher capacity slings are available. Download the A4 version of our Cookes WLL chart for chain slings and synthetic web slings. A sling so affected should SLING REFERENCE CHART WARNING: Read warnings and use limitations before rigging. Capable of being used in vertical, choker, and basket hitches. pdf (324. It can be used in a vertical, basket, or choker hitch. 9 and osha regulations for additional information. Shackles may have a sharp edge where the pin goes through the shackle ear. Hoist Rings. Anytime a sling is cut in any way, shape or Synthetic Round & Flat Webbing Slings GRADE S SHACKLES WITH YELLOW PAINTED PIN - AS 2741 WORKING LOAD LIMIT Metric Tonnes DIA. Van Beest Anchor Shackle Dimensional Chart. Standard sling configurations consist of synthetic straps that are affixed on one end to a master link or ring with some type of attachment, typically a hook, attached to the opposite end. 277. 9397 0. Slings shall not be dragged on the floor or drawn across other surfaces which may damage the sling. 221 85 1. As with the choker hitch, more than one sling rigged in a basket hitch (or some other means) may be necessary to help ensure load control. at 0o, the sling stress is also 1,000 lbs. txt) or view presentation slides online. For most lifting applications, the webbing material won’t make a difference in the quality, capacity, or strength of the web sling. Round Slings. FEATURES. RUD StarPoint Dimensional Chart – Metric. How much it is reduced depends on the degree of the angle. Sling ratings based on commercial fittings of equal or greater capacity. Round Sling Colour Chart: As you can see from the round sling chart above, there are a number of different colours assigned to slings with different maximum weights. pdf. Polyester slings must have a blue label sewn on with the statutory marking and information related to it. Chain Slings. Web slings, often referred to as nylon slings or polyester slings, are made from high-strength synthetic materials and are designed to be flexible, lightweight, and easy to handle. Search. Male synthetic sling versus Artificial urinary Sphincter Trial: Evaluation by Randomised controlled trial. * For web sling widths wider than 6", add 1/2" to these values. The two most commonly used synthetic webbing slings used for lifting in Australia are 'Flat' and 'Round' Slings. Increased sling tension as a function of sling-to-load angle Synthetic slings are a combination of synthetic straps, hooks, rings or other attachments used primarily for overhead lifting applications. RECOMMENDED APPLICATION CHART APPLICATION USE Web slings, connect to pad eye, eye bolt, or lifting lug. If overloaded the External Warning Indicator disappears before the sling fails. Synthetic Web Slings 4 Polyester Endless Round Slings Hitch Type Horizontal Angle, deg. Sling Hitches. Check-Fast® Inspection System provides a pass/fail (Go/No Go) inspection. 3420 0. If the PT. Protect sling from being cut or damaged by corners, protrusions, or from contact with edges that are not well rounded. The down side to these slings is they do wear and cut much easier than wire rope and chain; however the use of wear pads and other protective products really helps extend the life of synthetic slings and allows them to be used in many applications where cutting and wear might be an issue. MADE OF DURABLE Fig. Even slightly damaged slings are highly likely to fail during rigging. It consists of a continuous or endless loop of 100% polyester fiber. Please refer to the chart below for guidelines on polyester or nylon web slings in specific chemically-active environments: Nylon Polyester Acids No * However, web slings and other synthetic slings should never be cleaned in a solvent tank used to degrease other equipment or machined parts. Note: Hardware capacities correspond to the appropriate sling capacities. Divide the sling height* [H] by sling length* [L]. 3, Cordage Institute CI-1905, and Web Sling & Tie Down Association WSTDA-RS-1HP . Others. Rated Capacities in Pounds Rated Load for Single-Leg Polyester Round Slings. Ød mm DIA. pdf), Text File (. See the Sling Protection section in this catalog. Synthetic slings may be more prone to physical and environmental damage than some other 1 All users must be trained in sling selection (including limitations), use and inspection, hazards to personnel, environmental effects, and rigging practices. Synthetic Slings SECTION INDEX Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www. 8-7 Web Sling Hardware. If you are using two wire rope slings in a vertical hitch (called a 2-legged bridle hitch) in a straight When it comes to overhead lifting, you can never be too safe. 279. Amsteel® Blue Synthetic Fiber Rope Slings are manufactured with genuine AmSteel®-Blue. This chart is based on a 5:1 Design Factor (DF); but any other DF can be fabricated. Slings are made to a tolerance of ± 1"+1% of the specified length, and can stretch 1% at rated . CCISCO provides information on synthetic slings including nylon and polyester slings. The most reliable is via the label of the sling. Examine both sides of the sling for surface chafe and any cuts - either lateral or longitudinal - or along the edges: i) Cuts on webbing slings, particularly at the sling edge, will result in serious loss of strength. GUIDELINE FOR SYNTHETIC SLINGS PAGE 7 OF 44 TWIN-PATH SLINGS ¾ Twin-Path® slings are manufactured with a core yarn using polyester or K-SpecTM material. 2 Basket Hitch and 2, 3 & 4 Leg Slings Sling Lifting Configurations Sling Colour Straight Lift 10. 0 20. Different materials may be more suitable for specific conditions Slingmax® Twin-Path ® synthetic roundslings are high performance roundslings designed to enhance safety, productivity and efficiency in your rigging performance. Reduction Factor [RF] x the sling’s rated capacity for the type hitch that will be used = Sling’s Reduced Rating. Aberdeen . 8660 0. Sling Cover Colour: Where colour is used to identify the WLL of the sling, the following system shall be used: Benefits of synthetic slings. 9962 0. Download Catalog. Note that Chain Slings with a DF of 4:1 are specified in ASME B30. warehouse nylon & polyester webbing slings •jacob & solas ladders •manila & synthetic rope & splicing •cargo & safety nets polyester round slings •dirt slings •tiedown straps & equipment •marine & industrial rigging equipment 1504 mehle avenue •arabi, louisiana 70032 •1. 035 40 1. synthetic sling (male sling) has been developedwhich, when inserted under the urine pipe, supports the outlet of the bladder but doesn’t need a pump. Such edges can include both the edges of the load as well as the edges of the connection hardware. When one sling leg lifts 1,000 lbs. Synthetic slings are extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of applications and types of hitches like straight, choked straight, parallel, basket hitch or 2, 3 and 4 leg slings (at 60°, 90° or 120° angles) or choke hitch or 2, 3 and 4 leg slings (single wrap or double wrap). 0 16. (CHaRT) 3. For additional abrasion resistance and durability, the Slingmax Covermax cover can be substituted as an upgrade in place of the standard Synthetic slings are typically not affected by grease, oil, moisture and certain chemicals. We pride ourselves on partnering with our customers to provide 24/7 service that is unmatched in the industry. Slingmax® Twin-Path synthetic slings can be used for all overhead lifts from small lifts to extremely heavy lifts. Storm Surge Slings. Provides information on: Grade 80 Chain Slings; Grade 100 Chain Slings; Flat Web and Endless Round Slings; Download here! Follow us on; Terms and Conditions; producer of wire ropes, synthetic ropes and electromechanical cables in the world, offering the broadest product line, and we deliver the right products of the sling, but you must not exceed that lifting capacity. Also known as Type 5 and endless slings, these slings last longer than slings with eyes because they can be rotated to change the load-bearing point. Synthetic Web Slings. 1. 9-2006 (Revision of ASME B30. CAPACITIES ARE IN POUNDS (LBS. As illustrated, when this angle decreases, the load on each leg increases. Durante la prueba, puede hacer clic en el botón Revisar pregunta para marcar la pregunta en amarillo como un recordatorio visual para volver a visitar la pregunta antes de enviar las respuestas de la prueba. This includes custom fabricated slings, hardware, hoists, calibration, testing, engineering and repair services. This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Use sling properly - Do not exceed a sling’s rated capacities and always consider how the sling angle affects the amount of tension on the sling (See SYNTHETIC SLINGS Rated Capacity Information Angle Degrees 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Factor 1. 9, ASTM A 952, NACM 2010, EN 818-4, the US OSHA and all other Canadian Provincial Health and Safety Acts (other than 4. Use this chart for all type slings: rope, chain or synthetic web. ASME B30. a. 9 has laid out specifications for the construction and components of synthetic rope slings. Synthetic slings, known for their versatility and strength, are crucial in various lifting operations. 7660 0. 2 The above listed working loads represent ferrul- esecured The sling cradles the load while both ends are at-tached overhead. In lifting applications they stretch less than rope slings but still absorb shock load extremely well. Edges and abrasive surfaces in contact with the sling must be “padded” with materials of sufficient strength and/or thickness to prevent damage and catastrophic sling failure. , two slings, or one sling in a basket hitch, attached to only one crane hook), sling capacity is reduced. The chart includes the diameter of the rope in millimeters, its construction, safe working load in kilograms or metric tons, standard loop or eye size in inches, and the Synthetic roundslings are an exceptional lifting sling. SYNTHETIC WEB BRIDLE SLINGS. Dogging and Rigging guide. Synthetic Slings Must Be Inspected Before Each Use. WSTDA-RS1 (revised 2010) S-252 BOLT TYPE SLING SHACKLE S-253 SCREW PIN SLING SHACKLE Lift-All instructional video on inspecting synthetic slings. • Capacities available: • Working Load Limit (5 to 1): 5,000 through 60,000 lbs. They’re lightweight, durable, and can be used in multiple hitch orientations, making them a great fit for multiple industries. Suerte en el test. They are also ergonomically designed, flexible, and lightweight. Slings Unlimited Capacity Charts. Type I. Users must know and follow all applicable standards and regulations. Wide Body Web Slings. I’m Jim with Lift-All, and in this video we’re going to explain how to properly inspect your synthetic base slings. Web Sling Hardware & Accessories. flip Synthetic Sling WLL Chart . txt) or read online for free. Send to manufacturer for repair evaluation. Applications of Synthetic Slings. Nylon slings are da maged by acids, but resist caustics. You can determine whether a sling will be rated high enough if you know the angle between the sling leg and the horizontal. Work at Liftex. In lifting applications they stretch less than rope slings yet still absorb shock load well. Hoists, Pullers The use of synthetic plasma rope allows the sling to be lightweight, flexible and extremely strong. (lbs/ft) Y 1 1,600 1,280 3,200 0. One of the first things you’ll need to determine is if you want or need a web sling made from nylon or polyester material. Workshop. All slings are made from 100% Polyester. Open Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm Tel: 403-501-5513 Fax: 403-501-5514 Synthetic Slings. HOW TO ORDER INSTRUCTIONS. Never exceed working load limits. Combine model, length in feet, and type, specify if eye & eye type or hooks Synthetic Rope Sling Construction and Component Specifications. Inspect slings before using them. T. Roundslings are made using polyester load yarns and seamless tubing with no stitched edges to become snagged. rd. If Fiber Optic Inspection is installed in the sling We now have available 2 different Wall Chart versions: one with Chain Slings rated at a Design factor (DF) of 4:1 and one with Chain Slings rated at a DF of 5:1. The WLL can also vary depending on how the round sling is utilised. Bridle/Multi-Leg RoundUp™ Round Slings. Single-Path Sling Stock No. They are easier to handle and conform to the shape of loading than chain slings or wire rope slings. uk The pin area of a shackle can cause synthetic slings to cut or tear. Shackles may have a sslliinngg aannggllee cchhaarrttss f. 9 in regards to proper inspection and rejection criteria for slings. ρ͘ ZĂŶĚŽŵ ƚĞƐƚŝŶŐ͗ In addition to using the above factors for calculating each sling s rated capacity, we test randomly selected slings from production runs to make sure every new sling meets or exceeds specifications and the rated capacity. Guide. Here's a simple chart outlining web sling sizes and their corresponding Synthetic slings are typically not affected by grease, oil, moisture and certain chemicals. Heavy duty polyester and nylon rigging narrow ranging slings as featuring 1 from inch as and as wide as 12 inches. 9848 0. Additional Information Also available in: Weight: N/A: Length: Tway Lifting Products Crosby Sling Saver hardware meets the requirements for minimum stock diameter or thickness, and effective contact width shown in the Recommended Standards Specification for Synthetic Polyester Round Slings by the Web Sling & Tie Down Association. 6528 0. Web slings are made using polyester flat webbing and are the preferred sling when lifting highly-polished, Synthetic slings, also known as web slings, are some of the most popular types of liftings slings out there. This angle is very important and can have a dramatic effect on the rated capacity of the sling. This handbook contains very helpful information on heavy lifting slings, hardware, and RECOMMENDED APPLICATION CHART APPLICATION USE Web slings, connect to pad eye, eye bolt, or lifting lug. Rigging Tree Cradles; 5-ton sling = red; 6-ton sling = brown; 8-ton sling = blue; 10-ton sling and up = orange; In addition to color coding, there are also other ways to indicate the WLL of a polyester lifting sling. 9 or similar industry standards. 4%. Sling Safety. Multi legs slings load configuration chart. Our synthetic lifting slings are lightweight and flexible, making All synthetic slings are subject to cutting when lifting items with edges. ¾ Twin-Path® slings are manufactured with an inner cover using polyester material and an outer cover NOTE: Experts agree that over 80% of synthetic sling accidents are caused by cutting; always be SURE you have the correct Sling Protection for your specific lift! USE AND CARE OF TWIN-PATH. Flat Webbing Slings. 5000 0. Reference charts showing sling and hitch rated capacities are available from manufacturers. Contact Slingmax® for more information. 2. I&I Sling has a long-standing history of producing high-performance roundslings, beginning with the pioneering Kevlar slings that quickly became a favorite among riggers for their exceptional strength and lightweight design. Reversed Eye Web Slings – Type 6. 20-ft. 000 55 1. Colour coding on each sling for added safety. A practical chapter by chapter guide to help you understand the principles and activities to carry out Dogging and Rigging work safely. To begin with, let’s review the correct inspection schedule. Product Images: Clear images of the This chart illustrates how the stress in a sling increases as the angle increases (all angles are measured from the vertical). Triangle Web Slings – Type 1 & 2. 3 , Cordage Institute CI-1905, and Web Sling & Tie Down Association WSTDA-RS-1HP . Consideration should be given to the Understanding the nuances and strengths of each type of synthetic sling empowers lifting and rigging professionals to choose the most suitable option for specific applications. 9 chapter 6, NAVFAC P-307 section 14. It lists the nominal breaking force and recommended safe working loads in tonnes for This section is all about working with synthetic slings, including: benefits, limitations, types and how to inspect. It is better to use a larger shackle or a Wide Body shackle type. b. The reverse eye sling is not just an endless sling with wear pads. 4226 0. Synthetic slings are lightweight, flexible, cost-effective, durable, and easy to store, making them an ideal choice for providing security to transport and lifting heavy loads, especially for fragile cargo. SAFE LIFTING CHART Synthetic and Chain Slings Working Load Limits chart for Uniform loading on SpanSet Round and Webbing slings Straight Lift Choke Lift Multi-leg 2 leg sling 0° to 45° Magnum X sling and Secutex Protective sleeve Power S. We carry Lift-All, Liftex & more Toggle Nav. Eye & Eye Web Slings – Type 3 & 4. Synthetic Ropes. 9-2003) Slings Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Lift Supply For Heavy Duty Lifting Slings and Rigging Products at the Lowest Price. The separate inner cover shows red for warning that the sling. Protect slings from heat sources such as steam pipes, open flame and welding splatter. Using the angle from horizontal, read across the angle chart to the corresponding number of the Reduction Factor column. Titan’s sling protection pads and sleeves aid in safe lifting practices by protecting slings against abrasion which can accelerate the chance of cuts and tears. Synthetic Sling Saver; Turnbuckles. 61 kb) The new 2020 Slingmax® Rigging Handbook A Great pocket reference guide - for all types of slings, sling hardware, and accessory equipment. of Synthetic Web Slings. TUFF-TAG™ are proven to outlast the life of the sling. Sort. Sling made with a triangle fitting on both ends. Sling made with a triangle fitting on one end and a slotted triangle choker fitting on the other end. Reference charts showing slings and hitch-rated capacities are available from manufacturers. The synthetic plasma rope will float and is abrasion resistant. Limitations of synthetic slings. top of page. Capacity Charts. The working load limit changes based on the lifting style. 6 D/d Ratio. Sling shall not be twisted, tied into knots or joined by knotting. Aircraft Cable & Wire Rope. always refer to asme b30. Benefits: Purchasing synthetic slings online can be a fast and convenient way to get the necessary equipment. Inspect sling for damage including: • Missing or unreadable Identi˜cation Tag WSA serviced the synthetic web sling industry. 445 . As the sling-to-load angle decreases, so does the rated capacity of a sling. Eye and EyeTurnbuckle; Eye and Hook Turnbuckle; Eye and Jaw Turnbuckle; Hook and Hook Turnbuckle; Jaw and Jaw Turnbuckle; Wire Rope Clips. If the sling angle increases to 45o, the stress actually exerted on the sling would be 1,414 lbs. A web sling is generally available in 1, 2, 3, or 4-ply configurations. 800. In order to choose the flat webbing sling that suit your situation, the table below summarizes the different configurations to take into account to make the right choice. 742 65 1. Sling Types Synthetic web slings come in a variety of different types in order to better serve a particular purpose. ergonomic alternative to steel and other forms of synthetic slings. –OR– b. 9659 0. Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Toll Free Phone: 1-888-779-8898 - Toll Free Fax: 1-800-354-8705 Head Office Toll Free Numbers WORKING LOAD LIMITS (LBS) TWO PLY Synthetic Sling Saver; Turnbuckles. The Most Inspectable Slings There are two kinds of tell-tail indicators —one to warn of overload and a fiber optic to warn of core fiber damage. Flat webbing slings load configuration chart. Chain is a durable and versatile option; it is flexible, and able to wrap around the load. Synthetic slings are easy to transport and can often be rigged by a single person, making them a great choice for general purpose lifting. Multiple sling configurations allow a user to find a sling that is most adaptable to the application for which the sling is used. Type of Load Sling users shall be trained Do not use this sling unless you are properly trained. Rated Load = Rated Capacity = Working Load Limit. Capacity charts for most slings manufactured by Liftex. ) This synthetic plasma rope will float and is abrasion resistant. com BOAT Lifting Slings. Simply connect a sling to the synthetic sling attachment of the Weblok and a master link or other rigging attachment to the Hammerlok portion to efficiently and safely lift your load. See page 7 for chart. S-256 Link Plate The Number One Cause of Sling Accidents! Synthetic type slings can become cut or damaged if they are allowed to come into direct contact with edges if the edges are not suitably well rounded. In other words, sling inspection is a must before each use. Home; Shop. Check-Fast ® External Warning Indicator (EWI) and Tell-Tail indicators shall extend past the tag area of each sling. In 1988, the WSA further defined its purpose to include synthetic web tie downs and became the Web Sling & Tie Down Association. WLL Chart - Chains & Web Slings. The chart specifies the diameter, construction, safe working load, standard loop or eye size, and diameter for slings ranging from 8mm to 52mm in diameter. Crosby Clips. K-SpecTM is the manufacturer’s registered trademark for their core yarn, which is an aramid material. It can be used in a vertical or basket hitch only. 1123 •phone 504. S-281 Sling Saver Web Sling Shackle Web slings or roundslings, connecting to pad eye, eye bolt, or lifting lug. Lifting Slings. Additionally, Twin-Path roundslings are versatile and available in capacities ranging from 5 Inspection of Slings; Wire Rope Sling Connections and Hitches; Chain Sling Connections and Hitches; Web Sling and Roundsling Capacities; Twin-Path® Extra Covermax Specifications; Synthetic Sling Load Limits; Wire Rope Load Limits; Grade 100 (10) Alloy Chain; The Basic Rigging Plan; Inspection of Rigging Hardware; Crosby® Wire Rope Clips Titan Flat Webbing Synthetic Slings AS1353 Features Manufactured with 100% high quality polyester Super strong stitching Double Thickness (2 PLY) Protected Sleeved Eyes Color Coded Safety Factor 8:1 Complies to Slings are marked with the manufacturer’s code number and rated capacity. hanessupply. To calculate the capacity of a sling at an angle multiply the sling’s load rating by the appropriate factor in the “Sling Load Chart. Round Slings - AS 4497. See hardware dimensions in Rigging Hardware section in this catalog. READ MORE. Both types combine Synthetic slings can be damaged, abraded or cut as tension and compression between the sling, the connection points and the load develops. • Slings must not be loaded in excess of the rated capacity. Edges that come in contact with the sling should be padded with material of sufficient strength to prevent damage to the sling. Synthetic Web Sling Safety Bulletin. 7071 0. The MASTER trial aims to determine whether the male synthetic sling is non-inferior to implantation of the AUS for men who have SUI after prostate surgery (for cancer or benign disease), judged Tuffy® Products round slings are constructed from USA made synthetic fibers and are fabricated in our Hurst, TX branch. They have the following properties in common: Strength; Convenience, Load protection, and; Economy. Lift-All . Polyester. Standard colors are outlined in the chart below, however any color can be chosen. Always protect synthetic slings from being . , an increase of 41. Reference charts showing slings and hitch rated capacities are available from manufacturers. Login | Register. Slingmax has been a trusted supplier of high performance synthetic roundslings to the industrial and heavy lifting markets since 1986. 4] Synthetic web slings are easily cut and have poor abrasion resistance when compared with chain and wire rope slings. 0 Loading 1. The document provides working load limits in tonnes for various grades of chain and configurations including TUFF-TAG™ provides an OSHA required capacity chart along with the material type. RimSling is available in multiple colors including the standard purple color, red, yellow, blue, orange, black, green, pink and gray. SLING REFERENCE CHART WARNING: Read warnings and use limitations before rigging. No se preocupe, el test no está medido en tiempo, así que relájese y concéntrese en las preguntas y lo hará genial. wire rope slings synthetic slings polyester round slings Find out the minimum pin diameter recommendations for Twin-Path® Synthetic roundslings to ensure safety and optimal performance in your heavy lifting operations Skip to content (610) 485-8500 If you’re looking for a full line of proven synthetic web slings, Tuffy® brand products are your choice. Contact Us. 004 50 1. Menu. 3. The RimSling has a special braided guard at the center of the sling that provides an extended life when used as a basket. Some of the top reasons for choosing alloy chain includes: Strong and Durable slings; Weather and Heat Resistant; Abrasion and Cut Resistant; Conform to shape of load Inspect sling at least daily and remove from service if damaged. Foresterhill . Sample Part Number for a Double Leg, Oblong Link, Sling Hook, and an Endless sling with a maximum Synthetic web slings are made using polyester or nylon flat webbing and are the preferred sling when lifting highly-polished, fragile or delicate loads that have to be protected from damage. Synthetic slings can be a great choice for many lifting applications. Have a Qualified Person (as defined by OSHA) calculate the Sling-To-Load Angle, as measured from the When a synthetic sling (flat web or round sling) is used in a choker hitch and the load is hanging free, the normal choker hitch angle is approximately 135°. TYPE 5 - ENDLESS (EN) (View Capacity Chart) Endless sling, fabricated into one continuous loop Always protect synthetic slings from being cut by corners and edges. See page 6 for training. Do check the manufacturer’s Refer to the appropriate sling WLL charts in this brochure or in the relevant Australian Standard. Synthetic slings will have a 5/8″ diameter (plastic-coated) high-frequency chip inserted underneath the standard Tuff-Tag™. Free Shipping on Orders over $499! Order Today, Ships Today! Made in the USA. The two most commonly used synthetic webbing slings used for lifting in Australia are “Flat” and “Round” Synthetic Web Slings RFID chips allow end users with RFID readers to electronically track a sling’s history to assist with the maintenance, inspection, traceability, and compliance of their slings. Sling-To-Load Angle is always the angle between the sling leg and the horizontal surface. 5225 •fax 504. 9063 0. This guide will delve into 1353 Flat synthetic-webbing slings 1353. 8-7–8 BUFFALO WEB SLINGS These synthetic slings reduce the risk of high-pressure pipe ruptures and potential injuries. HOME. Below the Hook Lifting Attachments. 414 75 1. PIN ØD mm INSIDE WIDTH W mm INSIDE LENGTH WIDTH OF BOW B mm WIRE ROPE SLINGS - GRADE 1770 STEEL CORE TO AS 1666. Sling Ratings Chart. Rope. Floor, Health Sciences Building . For specific temperature, concentration and time factors, please consult . 7373 •www Being a company that specializes in rigging, we are often asked for working load limits for wire rope slings, synthetic slings, chain slings and polyester round slings. Shackles. Vertical: Choker The chemical chart below is a general guide only. Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Toll Free Phone: 1-888-779-8898 - Toll Free Fax: 1-800-354-8705 Head Office CCISCO provides information on synthetic slings including nylon and polyester slings. Whether you choose synthetic rope slings, webbing slings, or roundslings, they are relatively light weight compared to steel slings with similar capacity. 015 45 1. Duplex sling with 3 times greater wear resistance The new generation of roundslings and hooks For use with round slings, web slings and high-performance synthetics. CM Anchor Shackle Dimensional Chart. Proof Testing. Adding Browse Endless Web Slings in Synthetic Lifting Slings at Rigging Warehouse. The multiple fiber construction makes the roundsling soft and flexible – perfect for a choked lift. Removal From Service Sling Angle and Sling Load Chart SLING ANGLE is the angle measured between a horizontal line and the sling leg or body. Completed RE sling may be a 1, 2 or 3 ply endless sling Suerte en el test. Chain. Placing synthetic slings on the pin should be avoided. Read and follow all instructions and warnings in this manual. • Allows easy connection to master links or eye hooks, and is ideal for bridles. Sling protection products include sliding wear pads, dynema sleeves, Velcro wear pads, shackle pin pads, synarm pads. It is less expensive for the NHS (around £6000), easier to insert, but some patients may still need a subsequent operation to place an AUS if they feel their incontinence has not improved enough. Sling Load Chart - Free download as PDF File (. Synthetic slings are easier to move and control, gentle on the hands, and maintain Beaver’s synthetic webbing sling has the advantage of high strength combined with low weight and ease of handling. is an American manufacturing company servicing the crane and heavy lift industry. Lay the sling on a fl at surface in a well lit area. If your sling is equipped with Check-Fast ® and the EWI is not visible or both Tell-Tails are not visible, remove the sling from service. However, their proper maintenance and regular inspection are vital to guarantee safety and optimal performance. refer to asme b30. 1-800-299-0900. The AAB Amsteel® Blue Synthetic Fiber Rope Slings Information Sheet Ashley Sling, Inc. Synthetic round or flat web slings have the following benefits: they cradle the load with a greater contact surface; are lighter in weight than chain slings; are easier to be moved and stored. Although ASME B30. It is a 12-strand single braid HMPE high modulus class II rope that is manufactured from Dyneema® in which Table ST-3 Effect of Sling Angle - Sling Capacity Loss Factor Chart 1. The Slingmax® Rigging Handbook has been redesigned for 2020 to ensure that riggers have the most up to date information available. For stage rigging, the most basic round sling, yet they offer great versatility. Synthetic slings exposing slings to sources of heat damage or weld spatter; using slings or allowing exposure to temperatures above 194°F (90°C) or below -40°F (-40°C) “tip loading” a sling on a hook instead of centering it in the base or “bowl” of TWIN-PATH SYNTHETIC SLINGS. . 064 35 1. 9 covers synthetic ropes made from either nylon or polyester fiber materials, fiber rope slings can also be made from a variety of other synthetic fiber materials. Synthetic Web Slings: Synthetic web slings offer a number of advantages for rigging purposes. AB25 2ZD Tel: 01224 438096 : Fax: 01224 438165 E-mail: master@abdn. There is no derating on the sling if the D/d ratio is larger than two times diameter on a 90-degree edge, whereas if it is SYNTHETIC WEB SLINGS SHALL ALWAYS BE PROTECTED FROM BEING CUT BY CORNERS, EDGES, PROTRUSIONS OR ABRASIVE SURFACES. 0 12. Protect webbing from sharp corners, protrusions, or abrasive surfaces. CHAIN SLINGS CERTIFIED SYNTHETIC WEB SLING SLINGER ROUND SLINGS & SUPER SLINGER WIRE ROPE SLINGS • Determine the weight of the load • Select slings having suitable characteristics for the type of load, hitch and environment. uploaded: Jun 25, 2024. 000 WIRE ROPE AND SYNTHETIC SLINGS Rated Capacity of Choker Hitch When the angle of choke is less than 120 degrees, the slings choker hitch capacity is affected. A. Orange round slings can handle anything from 10 tonnes to 30 tonnes, depending on the chosen strength. Quick Links. More Info. Wear points can be shifted to extend service life. RIGGING ACCESSORIES. This consists of an initial inspection, frequent inspection, and periodic inspection. Blocks & Pulleys. Whether for heavy-duty lifting, precision positioning, or adapting to diverse environments, the versatility and reliability of synthetic slings make them an See page 7 for chart. Inspect sling for damage including: Missing or unreadable Identification Tag; The pin area of a shackle can damage synthetic slings. The Endless Round Sling is extremely versatile. 7. As shown in the chart, neither is affected by Address. I & I Sling, Inc. 8192 0. 1 & AS 1666. Can fail if damaged, misused or over-loaded. o. Tuff-Lift® Web Sling Work Load Chart for Type I, II, 3, 4 Slings WIDTH (in. We have attached a Sling Ratings Chart for the convenience of our valued customers. Nylon Vs. Synthetic web slings are easily cut and have poor abrasion resistance when compared to chain and wire rope slings. List View Grid View. See the Synthetic slings typically follow a colour code system that signifies their material and capacity. The use of synthetic plasma rope allows the sling to be lightweight, flexible and extremely strong (See chart below). 4. View Eye & Eye Round Sling Capacity Chart. lings nlimited rigging supplies vertical 8,000 16,000 21 ,500 28,700 40,700 46,000 51 ,500 59,200 vertical 10,000 19,800 26,700 35,600 50,500 Synthetic web slings can be used in the following hitch orientations: PLIES The ply number, or number of plies, refers to the layers of webbing that make up the body of the sling. Color Options. 4. The accumulation of numerous fiber strands determines the strength factor, as the capacity chart below shows. 2 Working Load Limit (WLL) Tonnes Flat Webbing Slings - AS 1353. Synthetic web slings are some of the most common pieces of rigging equipment that you’ll find at any job site because they’re strong enough to support heavy loads, yet are extremely versatile and can be used effectively for a variety of different the life and strength of grade 80 and grade 100 slings depend on proper use, maintenance and inspection. Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control, Hoists Synthetic Round Slings. Environmental Suitability: Consider the environment where the sling will be used. ” This will give you the sling’s reduced rated capacity. PO Box 2205, Redcliffe North QLD 4020 Some chemicals on this chart (including those rated as “Excellent”) can damage the sling cover. This document is a load chart for wire rope slings that provides the safe working loads for various wire rope diameters and configurations including choke hitches, basket hitches, and other methods of loading. 06 Inspections of Twin-Path® Products. 2588 ANGLE / FACTOR COMPARISON RATED CAPACITY EFFECT OF ANGLE SLING CAPACITY DECREASES AS THE ANGLE S&T_Chain_Sling_Load_Charts-02 - Free download as PDF File (. (see load angle chart on the following page). University of Aberdeen . 0 Choked Lift Parallel 10. [WSTDA-RS Section 5. If the sling is damaged, IMMEDIATELY remove it from service. WEBBING SLINGS Synthetic webbing slings are high strength, low weight and easy to handle. Headroom Where minimum headroom is available, a user should consider: • Synthetic slings have special value in some chemically hazardous applications and for protection of the load to be lifted. 2 Flat synthetic-webbing sling—a sling made of flat woven synthetic-fibre webbing, which may incorporate end fittings complying with AS 3585 or AS 3776, for the lifting and handling of loads. Lifting & Rigging Hardware. Austlift Durabone Round Sling 1T Black Austlift Durabone Round Sling 1T Violet Austlift Durabone Round Sling 2T Black Austlift Durabone Round Sling 2T Green Austlift Durabone Round Sling 3T Yellow Austlift Durabone Round Sling Synthetic slings are economical, lightweight, flexible and easy to store. While the exact colour code may differ between manufacturers, a typical pattern exists across the industry. 13B (rear) Sheehan Street, Redcliffe QLD 4020. Al hacer clic en el botón de Web slings are a type of synthetic lifting sling that are typically made from either nylon or polyester webbing material. Be sure warning indication devices are operable. Our webbing and our slings are proudly Made in USA. A NSW Government website. Dogging and Rigging. Check with the manufacturer to determine which conditions apply to the exact material you are using. HAVE QUESTIONS? CALL AN EXPERT TODAY! (706) 750-9099. The rated capacity for a basket hitch is twice that for a vertical hitch. 5 Hitch Types for Synthetic Rope Slings (cont'd) Fig. 555 70 1. Round Slings Also known as Type 3 slings, the flat eye on each end allows the sling to quickly change into The OSP ROUNDSLING is a major advancement in securing almost any object to be pulled or lifted. The document includes details on 5 types of slings as well as an eye length chart showing the eye lengths and maximum weight capacities for This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth Wire Rope Slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Endless Slings – Type 5. WLL is clearly marked on each sling. They come in various forms, such as flat web slings, round slings, and endless slings. Pliable body hugs the load and offers super strength and ease of At the same size and strength of steel sling options, synthetic solutions can be up to 86% lighter, significantly improving the safety or your workforce. The document includes details on 5 types of slings as well as an eye length chart showing the eye lengths and maximum weight capacities for Synthetic slings are typically not affected by grease, oil, moisture and certain chemicals. Products. Always protect synthetic slings from being cut by . S-253 or S-252 Sling Saver Shackle Connect two S-252 or S-253 Sling Saver shackles together. (See chart below. The chemicals used in a solvent solution can Synthetic Web Sling Warnings. 0 24. If the shackle or object has at least 5x the sling diameter (D/d 5:1) the basket sling capacity must still be reduced by about 25%. 2 Part 2: Care and use 1399 Guide to AS 1199—Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes 2193 Methods for calibration and grading of force-measuring systems of testing machines 3585 End fittings for flat-webbing slings 3776 Lifting components for Grade T chain slings AS/NZS A4 Sling WLL Chart. 5736 0. Sling shall always be protected from being cut by sharp corners Endless Synthetic Sling Capacity Chart. R. ). PRODUCTS. Storage: Store synthetic slings in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and chemicals to prevent degradation. slings at various capacities: KeyFlex. Mailing Address. The flexibility of roundslings provides multiple bearing points when compared to eye and eye flat web slings, resulting in more versatility. NOTE: Flat synthetic-webbing slings are often referred to in this Standard as just ‘slings’. ac. Sling_Rating_Charts_Sling_Choker. 0000 0. Each synthetic material has its own unique properties. Refer to the Effect of Angle chart in the . We recommend using wear pads that give extra protection to the sling where the most wear occurs. Conforms to ANSI/ASME B30. Anugrah Sukses Marine jual Synthetic Sling berstandar internasional yang sudah tersertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 dengan berbagai macam tipe When slings are used at an angle (i. For synthetic-to-synthetic Webloks, simply attach a sling to both ends. Keep an inspection record for each sling. Bridle Slings. When buying online, be sure to look for: Detailed Product Specifications: Look for capacity (WLL), length, and material details. The chart at the right plots the weights of . If the shackle or object has 2 times the diameter of a 6-strand wire rope sling (D/d 2:1) the basket sling capacity must be reduced by 40%. 8-7 BRIDLE Web Slings. Roundslings Capacity Chart. Slings can be damaged by resting loads on them or by pulling slings from under a load. Standards Compliance: Our synthetic sling meets ASME B30. All of our synthetic web products are designed for High Performance Sling Connector is designed to connect High Performance Synthetic Slings of all materials. Alloy chain slings have remained a top rigging choice even with wire rope and capabilities available with synthetic slings now. Marine Slings. prior to purchasing or use. 3 Protect sling from damage. 2 Inspect sling for damage before each use. sehvn fgn gfsgqlr nnsttjw rwsysc fchgv uxe ubqlc cxi kgcmqdjv